Have you ever dreamed about going to bed and waking up in the morning with an international group of the most dedicated researchers in the field of social entrepreneurship? If so, here is your opportunity: The oikos Young Scholars Entrepreneurship Academy and Student Reporter seek for an experienced Masters-level student to report on this year’s Academy held 25-30 August, 2013 in Switzerland.
The theme of the Academy is “Creating Hybrid Ventures: Legitimacy and Sustainability Challenges in Social Entrepreneurship“. You will follow a team of renowned international faculty and young PhD scholars the full length of the 5-day academy, and engage in, as a journalist, their agenda of research sessions, leisure time activities, and field visits. To get a grasp of the program, skim through those of previous Academies.
You are an independent writer and an experienced interviewer and observer with a strong track record or proven interest in entrepreneurship research, organization studies, or sociology. To get to know our expectations of the output, you can find a collection of previously written articles by one of our reporters about an oikos Young Scholars Academy on this website.
oikos provides full coverage of accommodation and food at the Academy venue and partial coverage of travel costs (to be negotiated). You will also receive online supervision and editorial support by the Student Reporter staff. Successful candidates are invited to become staff writer with Student Reporter with access to our syndication and conference partners.
The deadline for applications is 15 May, 2013. Please send to admission@studentreporter.org the following (write “SRoikosAcademy2013″ in the email subject header):
1) a resume, 2) a motivation letter (including a coverage plan for the 5 days and syndication outlet suggestions), and 3) a critical opinion article (max 850 words) about research on social entrepreneurship and its relevance.